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About Us


髹(音:jau4; 油) 是塗漆的意思
穆(音:muk6; 木) 有溫和、和睦、和諧等意思

髹穆創作園這個名字有塗出和諧之意,希望人們能在這個空間享受一刻平靜安穩,在畫室舒適地創作。in His garden 就是那份渴想在神的同在裏,渴望得著真平安的盼望。
In His garden, the yearning to be in God's presence, to have true peace in Him. May we all be able to be in the presence of the LORD, and enjoy true peace and joy in Him.

About Me

Erica: I've always loved arts and crafts since I was  a kid. And my passion for art is still growing. I love making art, learning and getting inspired, and sharing my passion with others. The teaching path came quite naturally to me. I've started involving in children services  since high school. There were many opportunities for me to interact with different people in all ages, like private tutoring children and youths, doing elderly services with adults, teaching art part time while studying creative arts and culture in university,and becoming a full-time art instructor after I've graduated. As my passion for art and teaching grow, I studied other courses about illustration, teaching SEN(special educational needs)students, art therapy etc.

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